There are times in life when you know exactly where you are headed and what to put your energy into. And there are other times when there are so many decisions to be made that you don’t know which to make first, because each one could impact on another.
This situation could be experienced as a trough, or ‘the doldrums’. You feel stuck, unable to move in any direction. You might even become depressed.
Or, you could feel quite excited, seeing the situation as a branching point for a multitude of possible roads ahead. You are ready to let go of the old, and let in something new – though you don’t yet know what that will be.
Most people are uncomfortable being in this not-knowing place for any length of time. For this reason they might jump into making a decision too quickly, choosing a path and striding along it purposefully. Anything to stop feeling stuck and looking indecisive.
Others might ask advice, or wait for a ‘sign’ to tell them what to do. Any of these options is valid, but I think it wise to really experience the not-knowing and ask some questions about it. Why now? What parts of your old self are you getting ready to let go? What parts are itching to find expression?
Choosing a path means going with the meanings and values associated with it. If you are stuck, it may be because you are going through a fundamental change in your thinking. To simply pick a path and go with it is to miss this opportunity to grow.
A few months ago I saw the following on Facebook and it jumped out at me:
“Be gentle with yourself for you are living through a major expansion of your faith and how you use it in the world. You are rewiring decades of old beliefs and shifting how you live your life. This is no small feat. It is OK to feel uncomfortable. Great change often brings with it discomfort and second guessing one’s self. Do not shrink back from this mission. Not now. You are changing and your Divine Self is shining the way.”
This message gave me hope and a sense that my state of not knowing was a positive thing. I knew which of my old beliefs was being challenged, but it was not simply a case of deciding to adopt a new set of beliefs. I had to really look into which parts of the old I wanted to keep and which of the new were not really for me. This has been a slow process, nearing its end now. I am glad I gave it time and did not fall into the trap of thinking that being decisive was more important.