Nelson Mandela, politics and spirituality
Nelson Mandela is no longer with us. I find myself quite tearful, perhaps not from sadness, because he had made the most of his 95 years on this earth, but simply in recognition of the wonderful qualities he embodied. Nelson Mandela will always remain my hero, not because he was an extraordinary person, but because […]
Immunising yourself against other people’s venom
Feelings and attitudes are like germs – highly infectious. To promote our own happiness and that of the people around us, we need to protect ourselves from toxic attitudes and emotions that might come into our circle from time to time. But how do I stop myself getting angry when someone is angry with me, […]
Other People Can Be So Annoying!
You’ve probably noticed that other people can be a real pain at times. Interfering, making too much noise, demanding, whining, doing a sloppy job, messing things up, wanting their own way – other people can find a million ways to get under our skin. Yet before we react to them, we must look to ourselves […]
Happiness = Openness + Boundaries
Happiness, confidence and other good feelings are generally associated with openness. When we are happy, we are more sociable, more compassionate and more likely to help others. On the other hand, when we are angry or depressed we close off from other people and are less likely to notice or care about what’s going on […]
Who do you think you’re talking to?
Something I’ve been thinking about lately is the fact that we are so connected with one another that even in our private moments we are not islands. Our thoughts are always directed at someone – we think to a virtual listener, just as we speak to an audience with our speech. In a way, thoughts […]
Getting through the hard time
That’s when I thought, “I’m so glad I’m in Africa!”
I need your help to stay on track
Thanks so much for the comments affirming that I am making a difference. Today I just feel overwhelmed by the hugeness of the problems here and the seeming impossibility of changing anything. For a start, it’s so hard to give anything to the orphanage children without someone else taking it from them. And it seems […]
The sense in humour
Don’t you love being around people with a sense of humour? Some people seem to have the natural gift of finding something to laugh about, even when things look glum. Being around funny people helps us to take life a little less seriously. Humour not only lifts our mood – it also changes our perspective. […]
Happiness is good for you – and those around you!
Have you noticed that when you’re happy, you connect more easily with other people? It’s not just because people are more drawn to you when you smile – it’s also that you actually see things differently. When you’re happy, you tend to see the bigger picture, rather than get hung up on details. You’re more […]
Happiness goes hand in hand with compassion
Did you know that happiness goes hand in hand with compassion? When you’re happy you’re more likely to notice when others are suffering and more likely to offer your support. The converse is true, too – your mood is lifted when you do something kind for someone else. The effect lasts even longer if you […]