A brighter future for the world

As it becomes increasingly clear that the ways we have organised ourselves in the industrialised world have been bad for us as humans, as well as destructive for the planet, more and more people are thinking for themselves about what is truly important. And now that the internet can connect people across the globe, individuals no longer need to face these challenges alone.

A multitude of worldwide organisations and movements has sprung up, with the intention of creating a kinder and more harmonious world. They include scientific organisations such as the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), the Scientific and Medical Network and The Galileo Commission all of whom blend science with wisdom and compassion to work towards greater understanding and finding constructive solutions. Others are multi-faith spiritual movements such as the Global Compassion Coalition, the Charter for Compassion, Humanity’s Team , Whole World View and individuals like Matthew Fox.

Thomas Hϋbl works on healing the wounds of collective trauma, and has promoted worldwide healing through his free annual online Collective Trauma Summit and The Pocket Project,  which works to support people suffering the impact of war and other disasters. Then there is Joanna Macy  and a multitude of organisations devoted to protecting the environment. In addition, there are many local groups and organisations, that promote mutual support, kindness and connection.

The world’s problems can feel overwhelming and we can be tempted to avoid thinking about them, distracting ourselves with light entertainment. Connecting with others brings a sense of hope. If each of us joined with just one of the many organisations founded on love rather than profit, what a powerful force we might be!

Stephanie Hills ©


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