Month: January 2011

  • An honest lawyer

    A businesswoman, looking for a lawyer for her firm, was interviewing the first applicant. “In a business like this, our personal integrity must be beyond question,” she said. “Mr. Peterson, are you an honest lawyer?” “Honest?” replied the job prospect. “Why, I’m so honest that my dad lent me fifteen thousand dollars for my education […]

  • Take it slow

    A man from the city visiting a small farm saw a farmer feeding pigs in a most extraordinary manner. The farmer would lift a pig up to an apple tree and the pig would eat the apples straight off the tree. The farmer would move the pig from one apple to another until the pig […]

  • Finders not keepers

    Have you ever lost a wallet and then had it returned, complete with contents? It happened to me a few years ago while Christmas shopping. I went back to the shop where I thought I’d left it and was told a high school boy had taken it, leaving his name and phone number at the […]

  • Getting through the hard times

    Can we be happy when bad things happen in our lives? Is it even appropriate? First of all, let’s define what we mean by ‘bad things’. Often, the things we get upset about are really only molehills that we make into mountains. Ask yourself: “In a years’ time, will this still matter?” If the answer […]

  • Actual Texas laws

    ~ It’s illegal to take more than three sips of beer at a time while standing. ~ A recently passed anticrime law requires criminals to give their victims 24 hours notice, either orally or in writing, and to explain the nature of the crime to be committed. ~ The entire Encyclopaedia Britannica is banned in […]

  • Sharing cars

    Recently I’ve heard of two families where certain members had the misfortune to have their cars out of action for a few weeks. In both cases it was cheering to see how other family members put themselves out to share their own vehicles, co-ordinating with one another and catching rides with friends in order to […]

  • A list of useless products:

    – Cream of Mushroom Slurpee – Mobius toilet paper – Seeing-eye giraffes – Birthday candle snuffers – Ankle watch – Silicone thigh implants – Garfield condolence cards – Scrabble – special dyslexics’ edition – Intermittent headlights – Kosher communion wafers – Nuclear hand grenades

  • Happiness is good for you – and those around you!

    Have you noticed that when you’re happy, you connect more easily with other people? It’s not just because people are more drawn to you when you smile – it’s also that you actually see things differently. When you’re happy, you tend to see the bigger picture, rather than get hung up on details. You’re more […]

  • Happiness goes hand in hand with compassion

    Did you know that happiness goes hand in hand with compassion? When you’re happy you’re more likely to notice when others are suffering and more likely to offer your support. The converse is true, too – your mood is lifted when you do something kind for someone else. The effect lasts even longer if you […]

  • Even bureaucrats have a heart

    Some government departments have a reputation for ignoring hardship, as they turn down applications for assistance. But sometimes staff members go the extra mile to try to help. In one case I know of, staff in a government department did all they could to find ways to help a young couple expecting a baby, but […]