Author: Stephanie Hills

  • Is your support group helping you grow?

    Nowadays it’s relatively easy to connect with others who share challenges that we thought were unique to us. It can be wonderful to find people who understand what we’re going through and who can share tips for getting by. Support groups can be a great way to uplift one another, pool information and help educate […]

  • Not the End of the World

    Not the End of the World. How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet by Hannah Ritchie Environmental problems are an emotionally charged topic, but solutions require a clear head, all the relevant information and an understanding of the complex interweaving of economics, science, and social justice. Hannah Ritchie has done […]

  • Life these days…

    *According to my latest Bank Statement, I have enough money to live in luxury for the rest of my life. As long as I die tomorrow. *Just booked a table for our wedding anniversary for me and my wife. Bound to end in tears though – she’s not much good at snooker. *I must be […]

  • Uplift Your Thinking Style (a series of 2 online workshops)

    Do you ‘overthink’? The ability to think is one of our greatest gifts, yet often we spoil our own experience by thinking in negative ways, resulting in anxiety, depression or low self-esteem. Luckily, negative ways of thinking are habits that can be unlearned. In these two online workshops, learn and practise thinking in ways that […]

  • Gratitude

    It’s been shown that the more grateful we are, the happier we are. Yet gratitude is something we’re not particularly good at. Bad news grabs our attention more than good. If your performance review mentions ten things you’re doing well and one thing you need to improve, you’re likely to focus on the one negative […]

  • Familiar complaints

  • Carrying the load

    A while back, my sister was packing her groceries into her car, when she noticed the people next to her. They had bought a washing machine from a nearby shop, but they couldn’t fit it into their car to take it home.  So my sister offered to take it for them. They drove their car […]

  • Reputation

    Here’s a challenging question: Would you rather be a good person with a bad reputation, or a bad person with a good reputation? In recent years, many highly regarded public figures have turned out to have very dark pasts. Decades of high standing are suddenly destroyed when the truth comes out. The higher the person’s […]

  • Stumbling on Happiness

    Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert In this best-selling book, Daniel Gilbert assures us that “this is not an instruction manual that will tell you anything useful about how to be happy.” Instead, using scientific research, amusing stories and a witty writing style, he shows us that our best laid plans are unlikely to make […]

  • Ideal husband?

    Duck decoys, fishing rods, boots – outdoor gear of all kinds was piled high in the garage. One day I found my wife staring at the mess. “I hope I die first, so I don’t have to get rid of all this,” she sighed. “Look on the bright side,” I suggested. “If I go first, […]